Worst Episode Ever #32: Groophic and the Ghost

Some BODY once told us that Season 11's Behind the Laughter would be a great episode for Worst Episode Ever... so we watched it! Yes this extended parody of VH1's "Behind the Music" first aired 15 years ago (and slightly more than 15 years since Dan & Jack went to go see the Norm MacDonald bomb Screwed). It's basically a mockumentary looking at an alternate reality Simpsons family, and it's one of the least confusing things going on in today's episode. Would this have worked as a series finale for "The Simpsons?" Do people today even remember "Behind the Music?" (Does it matter for enjoying this episode?) And was this a record for how quickly the show fell apart? Plus, Groophic makes a new friend, the ghost of a child that Jack murdered who may or may not be real.

NEXT WEEK: Season 18's Marge Gamer 

Download and listen to Episode 32 right here! 

And if you can't get enough of us, here's the outtakes from this episode's recording session (or download it here).

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Watch "Behind the Laughter" on Simpsons World

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