Worst Episode Ever #36: DiCaprioes

Happy Father's Day to all our WEE Dads who may or may not have ever had sex. In their honor, WEE watch Season 20's Father Knows Worst, a story about helicopter dads, brokeback jugglers and weirdly intricate scene transitions. When Homer tries to become a better father it backfires, which describes a number of better episodes as well. How many different plot threads can they cram into a first act? Can the show get so cartoony in an otherwise realistic plot? And was Charles really in charge or was he just some weird drifter? Plus, amazing mazes, Oscar Wilde, and a special appearance (or several) by dad-bod enthusiast and Inception star, Leonardo DiCaprio (aka the Fifth Manson).

NEXT WEEK: Season 12's Simpson Safari

Download and listen to Episode 36 right here!

And if you can't get enough of us, here's the outtakes from this episode's recording session (or download it here).

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Watch "Father Knows Worst" on Simpsons World

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