Worst Episode Ever #156: My Tits Are Saggin'... HELLBOUND! (S11E03 - Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner)

It's tangent city as Dan and Jack return with a new batch of WEElite episodes, starting with season 11's "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?," the episode where Homer becomes a food critic.

Which network slogan are WEE stealing? What were Charles Foster Kane's last words? Who's taunting the lions at the zoo? Which Bus Stop character loves Fletch? Who is Beastimus John and what is his serial number? All that plus a plot mirage, Flakira, no concept of E, IMIN, Pre-Renaissance Joey, an American Alfred, Jerkass Rising, and another WEE episode where a new Bus Stop character emerges at the very end when everyone's already stopped listening.

Download and listen to Episode 156 right here!